Sunday, May 31, 2009

Branham/Tackett Wedding 5/16/09

Tasia and Bo's wedding was just delightful! I got to spend the weekend with people that I grew up around! I took a trip back to Pike County for the weekend, Long Fork to be exact. I got to pass my old elementry school and lots of the places that I used to drive by on a daily basis, but rarely ever get to see now that I live an hour and a half away. I make the trip to see my mom quite often, but rarely get any further than the street she lives on. That's one of the things that makes these weddings so fun! I love seeing my long lost neighbors, former teachers, and classmates.

Tasia had a gorgeous dress and some equally gorgeous flowers. But NOTHING topped her eyes. This is one of my favorite pictures of the day. Just look at these eyes! My intent was to make the flowers stand out, but I think her blue eyes overpowered the flower!

Another favorite part of the day was when Bo brought his bride down the steps during the ceremony and sang "I want to be your everything" while playing guitar for her. As he stated at the rehearsal, "I want to sing to her Uncle Jessie style." Anyone who grew up watching Full House realizes just how sweet this comment was. It brought a smile to my face then and it does again as I type this. I'll remember it forever.

Jeremy caught this jewel of a moment during the reception. The cutting of the cake got a little messy and he was standing in the perfect spot to get it!

Last, but not least I shall part with what was in my opinion, one of the more comical moments from the day. I caught Tasia and Bo's Dad's sneaking off during the receiving line. Looks like they both had the same idea in mind! I think its classic and the truth of the matter is, weddings are stressful on everyone, especially for parents. At least they look happy!

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