You can contact me about setting up a portrait session by:
Telephone: (304) 475-2188
E-mail: davis6504@verizon.net
Telephone: (304) 475-2188
E-mail: davis6504@verizon.net
Questionnaire for Engagement Sessions
The purpose of this questionnaire is for me to get to know the two of you as a couple. It helps me to know what makes you tick as a couple. The more I know about you going into a session, the more likely I’ll know what to look for as far as location suggestions/posing etc. I feel that your pictures should say something about you as a couple! Please cut and paste these into an email and email them to me prior to your Engagement Session!
Your name.
Your fiancé’s name
When did you start dating?
Tell me the story of how you met…
Name three things you like to do together.
Get your fiancé to name three of your personality traits.
Name three of your fiancés personality traits
What is unique about you as a couple?
What are some of your interests and favorite activities?
If you could sum up your engagement pictures in three words or less, what would it be? (EXAMPLE: fun, colorful, urban)
The purpose of this questionnaire is for me to get to know the two of you as a couple. It helps me to know what makes you tick as a couple. The more I know about you going into a session, the more likely I’ll know what to look for as far as location suggestions/posing etc. I feel that your pictures should say something about you as a couple! Please cut and paste these into an email and email them to me prior to your Engagement Session!
Your name.
Your fiancé’s name
When did you start dating?
Tell me the story of how you met…
Name three things you like to do together.
Get your fiancé to name three of your personality traits.
Name three of your fiancés personality traits
What is unique about you as a couple?
What are some of your interests and favorite activities?
If you could sum up your engagement pictures in three words or less, what would it be? (EXAMPLE: fun, colorful, urban)
Please remember, deposits are due on the date of your Lifestyle ($40) and Senior ($50) sessions. Additional balance due when your order is placed. These deposits are applied to your package balance. No pictures will be ordered prior to balance paid in full.
Weddings require a contract signing meeting prior to being scheduled. They also require half of the package price to be paid on that date. The remainder of wedding balances are to be paid in full on or prior to the night of the rehearsal.
Taxes and a standard shipping charge will be added to your order. If you require your portraits to be shipped to your home, rather than standard delivery by me, additional chargest may apply depending individual circumstances.
Returned checks are processed by Resubmitit and are subject to fees.