Sunday, April 26, 2009

Little League Baseball Players = Total Cuteness!

Yesterday morning was spent with the Williamson Little League. They were so cute. I have a weakness for little kids in uniform. I love their little smiles and their bright eyes. While I was there the temperature changed from being pretty cool in the early morning hours to being blazing hot in what seemed to be a thirty minute period. The kids were troopers through it all though! I walked away with a little sunburn and some really cute pictures of some great kids. What a fun day!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Headstart ROCKS!

I spent the morning with Pigeon Creek Headstart doing spring portraits and group pictures. After spending the morning there, I have realized that I want to go to Headstart! It seems like these kids have so much fun and you can tell that they learn while they're at it. I love taking pictures of preschool age kids because their personalities really come out in their pictures, even if you just spend a few minutes with them. I can't wait to get them to the lab so I can go back to visit!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Aaron's Newborn Session

This morning I had the pleasure of taking little Aaron's newborn pictures. He's 7 weeks old and is just the sweetest little guy. What an even tempered baby! He would snooze a little, then wake up and be cute for the camera! I couldn't have imagined he would be so cute! I hope you enjoy a few of the shots I got today.

This one may be my favorite. His expression is PRICELESS!

I love this family picture! These two are head over heels in love with this little guy, and why wouldn't they be? He's ADORABLE!

I love his dinosaur shirt! Bright colors definitely suit him well!

This is his adorable Easter outfit!

Poor little one kept falling asleep in the strangest of places :)

Congratulations Bill & Jess! He's a sweety!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Fairytale Spring Day

Wow! Today was beautiful! It feels so nice to finally have some sun shining on my back and a cool breeze blowing! What better way to spend a gorgeous day like today than taking pictures of two totally sweet little girls?

We spent the day in their grandparents' home and backyard and then took a little hike in the woods.

We found some fiddlehead ferns that mirrored the top of the fiddle that big sister plays!

When I saw this tree swing, I immediately thought of "The Swing".

So, I'm excited to say, this is my youthful interpretation.

THE SWING, by Jean-Honore' FragonardLearn more about "The Swing" and it's role in the creation of a movie I'm very excited to see right here!