Saturday, October 31, 2009

Newsom/Mullins Sneak Peak..(aka) All of the Little Details

I'm working on Mary Beth & Brad's wedding and have just finally started to get to a point to where I know which images will more than likely end up in the final album. This is a very exciting time for me!

Anyways, as I'm really getting into the editing process now I find little things along the way that make me happy. The little details that this couple spent so much time planning for. I'll post a few on this sneak peak and then of course they'll get their official detailed wedding blog a little later. I hope you guys are having fun on the honeymoon. I know you'll be anxious to see some of your pictures very soon.

Mary Beth's shoes were great right side up, but there was a secret she was hiding on the bottom of them .

Her "something blue" was on the bottom of her heels. I thought this was such a sweet touch!

Can you see me in the rings? I can. lol

I kept rearranging the rings, trying to get a unique shot of them. Then saw this beautiful table in the center of the entry way. I admit that there was a giant bunch of flowers sitting over top of the star burst pattern in the center of the table, so I made Jeremy hold it while I got this shot. He may be in it too if you look close enough!

Here's a shot of the bride's dress. I loved the details on it!

And one of the bride's bouquet!

I think this picture screams happiness!

And last but not least, a teaser of the bride and groom during the ceremony! There will be lots more to come in the following days!


  1. Jennifer you certainly did a wonderful job on Mary Beth & Brad's wedding photo's. You captured so many precious moments.
