Thursday, March 11, 2010

Busy week of dances, pageants and some basketball!

Last Friday I had the privilege of photographing a great group of kids at the elementary school where my husband teaches for their Sweetheart Dance. (I think that was the name of it anyways, as it's been rescheduled from the Snowflake Dance since December, January, and February due to the horrible weather we've had this year. I noticed we were all calling it something different, but I guess as long as we were all there, that was the important thing!) I had lots of fun with these kids and can't wait to get their pictures out to them. I've been an editing fool :)

Then early on Monday morning I photographed the RCS homecoming pageant. Those girls looked so pretty! I was really impressed with the answers to the questions they were asked. After that I headed to the gym that evening to take pictures of homecoming court and get some action shots for their homecoming game.

Then, on Tuesday, I headed over to the Williamson Fire House to set up for the RCS Homecoming Dance. (Again, rescheduled from inclement weather from a few weeks ago.) Thankfully these kids were blessed with a beautiful day to get ready for this occasion, and I think everything looked awesome. It was so much fun working with them!

I'm thankful for a productive week!

1 comment:

  1. U did a awesome job at all 3 events for RCS Jennifer!! We have been very blessed to have U with us this year!!!!
    U take such awesome pics...
    Now maybe u will get a nice break this week -and can edit some-yikes!!!
