Sunday, January 16, 2011

Holly & Brody

OK kids, things are getting out of order a little bit, but it all makes sense to me!  The next thing I'm blogging is out of order and scrunched together into one blog.  Why? because that's how things started getting for me around

Meet Holly & Brody. 

 I'm combing their E-Session and Wedding into one blog? Why, because it fits, it helps me get things blogged, and because the two events happened within one month of each other!  A whirlwind if you  I promise all of this blogging will come full circle eventually and everyone will get blogged!

First off, you get a how we met story.

Years ago in college I sat behind of this guy (Nathan) in Mark Sohn's Early Childhood  Development Psychology class.   Then, early on in JDP's growing stage I met (Bethani), who was a bridesmaid at   (Rusty & Chastity's Wedding).  {Please mind these ancient slide shows, things have changed a lot in the last few years as far as slide shows go... hehe}

A few months later, Bethani contacted me and said, "I'm getting married too!"   A few weeks later, I met her and her fiance at the Pikeville City Park for an E-Session.  To my surprise, Bethani is marrying Nathan!  From there I worked with them at their wedding and Nathan & Bethani have been great word of mouth for JDP ever since. 

Nathan & Bethani's Wedding

Brody is Nathan's cousin.  He was in their wedding and I was thrilled to learn I'd get to work with the family again when Holly contacted me at the end of October. 

A few days later, we shot their E-Session. (11/12/10)
Here are some of my favorites:

I've wanted to do a picture in front of Justine's for EVER!  My mom used to work in the building that was next door to it and as I would visit Mom at work, even as a child, I always thought the bubblegum pink writing on the windows was so fun!  While walking through the streets of Pikeville during this session, I asked Holly and Brody if they'd be up for it and they agreed!  I heart it for some strange reason!  I think its because I feel like it looks like a shot from a Julia Roberts movie :)

And then there was the lady who fed birds.  This is one of my favorite areas to take couples to in Pikeville. 
I love the alley and how the brick and rock are staggered.  I think it just makes for a cool picture.  I've taken couples here quite a bit before, and never had any odd occurrence about it.  This time, we had time for about 2 snaps of the camera and this lady comes from nowhere and says, you better run, the birds are waiting for their food.  Obviously, we didn't realize the complexity of what this woman was saying!  Next thing we knew she ran to a car parked at the back of the alley, gets this giant bowl full of bird food and throws it into the ally.  All of the birds that were in the Pikeville City Limits then descend upon this alley and its a total black out.  It's possible Holly and Brody are the last couple to have their pictures taken here, unless I get my courage back up!  It was like Alfred Hitchcock!


It's a rare occasion to run into another photographer doing pictures when you're out.  There was a girl having some Senior Pictures done on the bridge this day as well.  I had to position everything just right to make sure Holly & Brody's bodies hid the photographer and the girl having her pictures made at the end of the bridge. 

My new secret E-Session Spot!  I came upon it by mistake and WOW, it's like another world here!  Definitely not the normal "Pikeville location"! lol)


I hope you enjoyed the E-Session on these two!  Fast forward to Dec. 11, 2010!

The day started out like most any other day.  Holly was at the church early getting her hair and makeup done, working on last minute touches before the ceremony.  Brody and his groomsmen were sitting patiently in the sanctuary and the kitchen area of the church was starting to smell really good!  Everything was going great, but we all had the inpending winter storm hanging in the back of our minds.  We were all a little worried about just how bad the storm was going to be.  Would the bride & groom make it to their honeymoon location?  Would anyone show up for fear of bad weather that evening?  At that point in the day, the weather looked perfect, so we just went with it. 


 Holly's mom working on her veil.  (Holly's getting ready room was awesome, multiple generations of women from her family and her friends all working together and buzzing around, it was great.


When Holly was all ready and we were preparing to take a trip upstairs for some formal backdrop portraits of her, she peaked out the door to make sure Brody wasn't coming our way.  It was way cute!


This one of Holly and her Dad is way cute!

Holly & her Mom :)



 I love how Holly smiled so much at Brody during the entire ceremony!


(These are Holly's Grandmothers)  I think this is a precious photo!



Then we headed outside for some fun outdoor shots!


Notice the snow on the mountain behind us.  The big storm hadn't started by the end of the day and we were thrilled!  The snow you see here was from days before.  It was beyond cold outside and Holly was a trooper for doing outdoor photos on this very cold December day!

I asked Holly & Brody to answer some questions for me about their day:
Here are their answers!

1. Most memorable moment- was seeing his face and him seeing my face when the doors open for us to walk down the aisle.

2. Favorite detail- was the cake!

3. Funniest memory- was the cake fight.

4. Most emotional moment- was saying our vowels.

5. I would change the snow storm that was headed our way that day. :)

6. Favorite wedding purchase- I have 2, my dress and our rings

My favorite photo memories of  Holly & Brody's day:
1.  Holly taking the "laughing pictures" with her sisters and how much fun the bridesmaids had with her upstairs doing the Charlie's Angel shot.
2.  Holly's ring bearer refusing to kiss her on the cheek, but rubbing his nose like an Eskimo on her forehead!
3.  Bubbles!

My favorite wedding detail:
Holly's classy red rose bouquet w/ evergreen sprouts.

And finally!  That the snow held off! :)

Vendor's List
The Men's Corner (tuxes),
David's Bridal (my dress),
Brenda Collin's Cakes (our cake),
The Rose (my bridesmaids dresses)

For those of you who made it to the end of this blog, Thank You! 
Holly &  Brody, thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of your very special day!
Nathan & Bethani, thanks for recommending me!

Fans of Holly & Brody:  25 comments on this blog = 2 free 5x7's (since they only got one blog post) 


  1. Hey Jenni! The pictures are beautiful, you did such an amazing job. We had so much fun taking the pictures. Even Brody, it's hard to get him to take any! I keep looking at them because I can't decide which ones to pick for the album they are all great. We had fun shooting the engagment picks as well, even though we were almost attacked by pigeons! lol Thanks so much for everything and being a part of our special day!

  2. Another wonderful job by the JENNIFER DAVIS PHOTOGRAPHER! Congratulation to the both of you! Holly you looked stunning...

  3. These pictures are beautiful! She really did do a great job. I want some pictures done of us!

  4. She did do a wonderful job! Thank you so much Heather, your pictures were beautiful and I can't wait to see your wedding pics!

  5. The pictures turned out really great! :) I can't wait to see them in person!!

  6. The pictures turned out really good. You did a great job. Thank you for shooting our wedding.
