Sunday, January 16, 2011

Onna & Dawson

Meet Onna & Dawson!

This session fell right in the heart of Autumn and these two were absolutely adorable together!  You can really tell that Dawson looks up to his big sister Onna so much, and you can tell that Onna really loves him! 

Dawson likes to be doing whatever his big sister is doing. 
When I sat her down for this picture, he sat down too.

Then he tried to sit the same way his sister was sitting :)
I love beautiful Autumn light when it burst throug the clouds and the trees!  In case you can't tell, they're playing in the leaves here.

Dawson adores trains.  So we had to get some trains in his pictures.

My favorite of Dawson individually from the shoot.

  He's adorable. Nuff said!

 When Dawson got a little tired of taking pictures, we let Onna play around in front of the camera.  I could have worked with her all day long.  She is GORGEOUS!

 Look at those eyes!  They look at you and say, KAPOW! (You liked that word, right?)

I'm pretty sure I will never be able to work with color like this again, because I'm not lucky enough to find it twice!  I went back to this same location 1 week later and all of this beautiful foliage was GONE!

How cute these two are! :)

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer you never stop amazing me! Love the photos! Guess it helps having adorable subjects to photograph...
