Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sarah & Drew's Wedding

Meet Sarah & Drew!  This is a shot from their November wedding in Crestwood, KY.

Post-Wedding at Duncan Memorial Chapel.

You'll probably remember these two from their E-Session back in 2009!  Sarah & Drew's Engagement Session  I can't believe that much time has passed since we worked together prior the wedding.

The night before the wedding everyone came together for the rehearsal at Duncan Memorial Chapel in Crestwood, KY.  There this couple had one of the smoothest, most efficient wedding rehearsals I've ever seen (I've seen a lot!).  They were in, they knew exactly what had to be done, and then they were finished and out the door.  AWESOMENESS!

This was shot at the end of the rehearsal, just as everyone was about to leave.

There was a two hour break in between the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner at The Irish Rover, Too.  During this time Sarah went to work on some last minute details at her home nearby and most of the wedding party went to get signed in at the hotel.  Jeremy and I, however, were on a mission!  There were two items that got left behind at my house, 6 hours away!  1.  My sweater that was to be worn the next day and 2.  a specific lens I always carry with me.  SO, we pulled out our trusty Tom Tom and drove all around Louisville in search of this tiny little camera store.  I had my buddy who lives in Louisville calling EVERYWHERE to find me this lens and she finally found one and the store agreed to hold it for me!  How lovely! (Thank you Tambra!)  So we get to the camera store after driving  around a whole foods parking lot for half an hour.  (The camera store was on the back side of the building!)  After I have the lens in hand, we head off to JC Penney!  Jeremy and I find a replacement shirt and we're off to the Irish Rover, Too. 

Now let me be the first to tell you, Jeremy and I would have never found any location we were supposed to be at all weekend with out GPS.  I have absolutely zero sense of direction.

Everyone starts pouring in and the location looks GREAT!  1st off, we're sitting in the middle of an Irish Pub, then everything has been decorated in gorgeous bright flowers and the their are Claddaghs and Coat of Arms sprinkled all over the dinning area!  Such a great touch!  (I'm a genealogy buff anyways, LOVE that they incorporated theirs here!)

After the feast  it was time for some tradition. 

Andrew, telling the story of the Irish Wedding Bell. (This is a summary) Make-up bells. The chime of bells is thought to keep evil spirits away, restore harmony if a couple is fighting, and also remind a couple of their wedding vows

There was a bell in front of each place setting and everyone rang a bell for the couple.  Here is a shot of Sarah's mom ringing her bell.

A candid moment of Drew's little brother giving him a wedding present.  This kid is TOO CUTE!
After gifts were handed out to the bridal party and lots of laughter and talking, Sarah asked if we could go out in the middle of town and take some pre-wedding, post rehearsal dinner shots.  YES, OF COURSE!

The four of us headed out into town and this is a sample of what we came up with:

Flash forward to the morning of the wedding.

Drew & his guys at E.P. Tom Sawyer Park
After we left the park and had shot an entire series of Groom & Groomsmen shots, we headed to Sarah's home.  We got a little lost, but happened to run into her driver for the day, who was also looking for her house.  Luckily, we both found her home in plenty of time before Sarah made it back from her early morning hair appointment.

My favorite shot of Sarah getting ready!

Then there were some quick shots of Sarah and her important ladies of the day! 
Ceremony Time!

Sarah & her dad walking into the chapel.

Just before walk down the aisle time.

Signing their marriage license.

Picture Time:
One of my favorites of the day!

The grounds at Duncan were so nice and Sarah looked exquisite!

Off to South Park Country Club

Sarah & her dad

Drew & his mom

Family Picture Time:

Sarah & Drew's siblings :) One of many family photos taken.

I have to include this terribly sweet picture of Sarah and her dad.  It was taken during the outdoors family pictures at South Park Country Club.  It was about 30 degrees outside and the wind was blowing.  In between shots he'd come warm Sarah with his jacket.  SO SWEET.

And then a few more pictures at the country club of the bride and groom.

A gorgeous shot of a gorgeous bride!
These are the answers Sarah gave me to the questions that I normally ask after the wedding:

1.  Most emotional moment?

Walking down the aisle with my dad was my most emotional moment. 

2.  Anything you would change if you could?

I guess I would probably have left the little room at the chapel earlier so we could've walked in 'on-time'. Oh, and I wouldn't have fallen up the stairs walking up to say our vows.

(Sarah, I was there front and center and I did not notice you fall up the steps!) lol  (If you had fallen bad, there would have been a picture) Just kidding...maybe!

3.  Favorite wedding purchase?

My dress, I loved my dress!!
2nd, the embroidered handkerchiefs that i got for me, the mothers and grandmothers
3rd, all the flowers, i have never bought that many flowers before and they smelled so amazing

Quick Vendors List
 Lasting Impressions in Winchester, KY.  (Brides dress and bridesmaids dresses)
Men's Warehouse (Tuxes)

Sarah's Aunt Pat made her flowers.  (Flowers came via Kroger and Sam's club)

Sarah's Mom (Cake)

Drew made their play list and Drew's dad Andrew was the DJ

1st dance, You and Me, Lifehouse

Father/Daughter, Lullabye, Billy Joel

Mother/ Son, idk.... something, written by The Beatles, performed by someone else......

Photographer's Picks:

1.  This wasn't one of those weddings where you go, there is a wedding, and it's basically over.  When I think of this wedding, I think of a BIG family weekend, full of tradition and sentiment.  Sarah & Drew made the weekend about the things that were important to them and I love that!

2.  Sarah got ready at her home.  I think a lot of brides have probably stopped doing that, and just get ready at the church.  I really liked the fact that she didn't have to pack tons of things to the chapel to get ready.  When she was ready, she was out the door.

3.  Sarah's best friend's toast.  I like Best Friends Forever!

4.  All of the candles staggered at the head table of the reception.  Never seen that before & I loved it!

5.  My favorite, last and certainly not least detail was taking the pictures with Sara and Drew at the Koi Pond. 

Duncan Memorial was really a beautiful place!

Thank you Sarah & Drew for allowing me to be a part of your special day.  I hope that the images I captured will forever be a reminder of the love and excitement that you had for each other and your life together on your wedding day!

Fans of Mr. & Mrs. Joyce, please leave a comment on this blog.  If they get 25, they get a free 5x7!

1 comment:

  1. I mean really what can I say other than....

    BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS, of a beautiful couple!

    Congratulations Sarah and Drew! Best Wishes!

    Heather McGuire
