Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy New Year ... And Heather & James E-Session

Hello everyone!
It seems as though the final months of 2010 flew by and 2011 has been here and January is half over.  I once again have gotten behind on the blog, please forgive!  I plan on trying to catch everything up quickly!  (Maybe even a blog a day...well, I'll try not to get too far ahead of

I am excited for what this year will bring and excited to meet all of my new and potential clients!

Now on to the real reason for this blog post...The happy couple!

This banner is an example of a Save the Date bookmark available as an add on for all E-Sessions.

Heather & James will be getting married in September of this year!  About 5 minutes after meeting Heather you realize she's about the sweetest gal that ever walked.  She's got a great smile and her eyes light up when she talks to you.  (Her eyes light up even bigger when she talks to James and it's adorable!)  They're absolutely fantastic together and I am definitely going to have to distract myself, so September doesn't seem too far away.  I can't wait to see her in her wedding dress!

Here are some of my favorites from their very Autumn Engagement Session!

Before you get to see the great fall leaves, you get to see them Grey scale!

1st off, the black and white LOVES these too.  Some people are just destined to be photographed in B&W.  These two make B&W look good! lol

See what I mean!

James loves to fish, and Heather loves to read.  She brought her other favorite guy with her for the session.  Hello Nicholas! (Sparks)...hehe

Heather & James decided to do the session at Grant's Branch Park.  After about 30 minutes of taking pictures in all of the obvious locations at the park, we decided to climb the mountain.  

About half way up the mountain I told them to stop so I could take a picture of them under this olive tree.  (I know it was an olive tree because there was a sign on it that said (Olive Tree)  I'm not realllly the outdoors know this.  Not girl scout level anyways.  :)
 After taking the picture, (I had to climb a ladder and have Jeremy hold my belt loops to keep me from flopping over the hill.  Later during our walk, James asked me if the only reason I took the picture under the tree was so I could stop climbing the mountain for a minute. Completely out of wind I answered him with a "Nah!"  I probably should have been truthful and said....YES! lol  (This was the second time I'd climbed the mountain.  Jeremy and I wanted to see what was up there and came 30 minutes before the session to scope out the area.  By the time we got to the top the second time, I was killed out!

 OK, so we finally got to this gorgeous spot on the mountain and I was satisfied to stay there for a bit.  The light was magic and we got some really fun images!  If you've ever had pictures done by me before, you know that if I start squealing like a little girl during a session, I like what I'm seeing.  Sometimes I even clap my hands if it's really  I squealed and clapped here!

On the way back down I had Heather & James sit on this bench.  It turned out to be such a soft and beautiful natural backdrop. 

 And then we walked some more, but this time we were going back towards the flat land!

This is one of my favorite images ever!  I love the color! 

And of course, I had to use the log cabin!

Heather, your eyes are stunning!  I know, I know...I've told you this...but it's so true!

James brought his motorcycle up for some fun pictures at sunset!  This is my favorite.  IMO, It should be huge over top of a couch somewhere! lol

And these were done just b before we lost the light and they rode off into the sunset.  (Well, James rode off into the sunset, in the freezing cold, and Heather drove.)  It was so cold, I felt sorry for James to be going home in the chilly weather.  But  bringing the bike up was worth it for the pictures.  I hope he feels the same way!

Remember all those fans of Heather & James:  25 comments from friends and family score these two a free 5x7!


  1. Okay These are terrific! I mean I know Heather is already beautiful, but these pictures make her look even prettier.

  2. Jenni,
    There are no words for the amazing photographs you took of us. You truly captured our joy and love we share for each other. We are so happy we found you, thank you so much for becoming a part of our lives. We are looking forward to you and Jeremy being part of our wedding day. Thanks again James and Heather

  3. These photos are wounderful.. They look so good together ...

  4. Wounderful pictures .. hope you all win the free picture..

  5. Love...LOve...LOVEEEEEEE These...Heather You look so pretty in these...Can't wait to see you on your big day...Love you!...Ginger

  6. Beautiful pictures!!
    & I love the save the date bookmark! Wish I had done that!

  7. Pictures look great!

  8. These are great pics.. You all look so good together.. Jennifer does a great job..


  9. beautiful pictures. I dont se how they could possibly be any better than they are. the love between you pours out of every picture. the black and white ones are fantastic.

  10. I love these pictures they all are so beautiful, my favorite is the blk & white up close of the face and them laughing. It is so cute.

  11. these pictures of you guys are so absolutely breath taking. and i agree with the comment of the one of you guys on the motorcycle. hope you get the free pic.

  12. Love the pics, B&W are great, you done such a great job, i'm sure the wedding photos are going to be just as wonderful.

  13. I love the pictures that Jennifer took of Heather and James. I don't believe we could have found anyone that compares to Jennifer...she is a great photographer and I am so happy that she is also doing their wedding pictures.

  14. Great photos....can't wait to see the wedding photos.

  15. Beautiful pictures...can't wait til the wedding!

  16. Omg.. Heather. You look absolutely beautiful!!! I love them all but my favorite is the close-up in black and white. Cant wait to dance the night away with you guys... love you both!

  17. awesome pictures, Jennifer done a great job

  18. Ok one word... BEAUTIFUL!.. You two look amazing together! It's so hard to pick my favorite one because they are all sooo good! These pictures are amazing and Mrs. Davis you are one talented photographer for sure!

  19. love the pic
    wish yall all the best

  20. Great pictures,,,

  21. Your pics are beautiful! Jenni rocks!!

    Love ya,

    Meghan Martin

  22. Looove the motorcycle picture!!! One of my favorite as well!!

    Great photography! :)

  23. Bethany Smith said:

    I Love all the pics. they are beautiful!

    Wonderful Photography!

  24. Absolutely beautiful pictures!

  25. Great Pictures! You two look just stunning! She really captured the Love! You two look so happy together and she really did a awesome job!Amanda DeBoard
